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31st Workshop on Sustained Simulation

HLRS Nobelstraße 19, Stuttgart

The workshop is a meeting platform for scientists, application developers, international experts and hardware designers from different continents to discuss the current state and future directions of supercomputing. This includes future hardware architectures, the future style of programming and directions to highest sustained application performance.

Scientists working in various application areas will present their recent results and they will share their views to current supercomputer architectures.

Program Committee

  • Prof. Michael Resch, Stuttgart University, HLRS
  • Prof. Hiroaki Kobayashi, Tohoku University
  • Dr. Wolfgang Bez, NEC Deutschland GmbH, Division HPCE
  • Prof. Sabine Roller, German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH

Organizing Committee

  • Prof. Michael Resch, Stuttgart University, HLRS
  • Johannes Gebert, Stuttgart University, HLRS
  • Prof. Hiroaki Kobayashi, Tohoku University
  • Prof. Hiroyuki Takizawa, CyberScience Center, Tohoku University